Saturday, October 3, 2009

Storypedia Asks You

Essential Question: If you were in sixth grade and had to write a novel based on both of these plots and summaries, how would you do it using built vocabulary & word structure?

The View From A Pumpkin Patch
Plot and Summary
Mourning the loss of her mother's death, nine year-old Noah unlikely befriends independent and brutal Kajal, as the two help each other by discussing what is missing in their lives. After Kajal is paralyzed below the waist, and befriends Noah, she realizes the true meaning of friendship and the importance of family. Meanwhile, even though Noah's sister, Nadia, has been considered strange and a loser throughout all her years of education by h
er classmates, her optimism and the spirit of her mother left behind do not allow her to feel that way about herself.
Plot and Summary
Living their whole lives next to coal-burning power plant, thirteen year-old Alissa and eleven year-old Margret, after raising the money, escape from their polluting parents who run the plant, to travel the world and conduct experiments that they hope will ch
ange the environment forever.

Essential Question: Do you think sixth grade should be in elementary school or middle school?
Decide by using your instincts, your experience in sixth grade, and the information below:
Some information gathered from The Los Angeles Times (online):
The LAUSD school board of education has decided to make a goal to put sixth grade in all elementary schools by 2012. (Quoted from a 2007 article)
Do you think this a good decision? There are a lot of weird things going on in middle school today--mostly things that sixth graders should not have to be subjected to. It has only been about thirty years, you know, since the national change of taking sixth grade from elementary school and putting it in middle school occurred.
The Standardized Test Scores (STAR test scores) show that sixth graders in middle school have lower test scores than the ones in elementary school--probably because of all the new changing classes and all the work. In fourth and fifth grade, you also get introduced into Rotation (at my school):
You have regular class, and then math, and then more regular class. There are two different types of math, and not everyone switches, but most do: Advanced (more than State Standards) and Regular (State Standards). Usually one to two months before the end of Advanced, you finish the textbook, unlike Regular where you don't get to finishing the textbook most often. In fifth grade, you get pages from sixth grade textbooks and algebra, if you're in Advanced.
But this is only pre-rotation, not full rotation.
But the CA Standardized Tests also show that seventh graders who enter middle school for the first year have worse test scores than the ones who have already been in middle school for a year....Maybe sixth graders should have half a year in elementary school, and half a year in middle school. Maybe that will solve all of this madness....
with Also: Do you think the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) will stick to what it said in the 2007 article? Woodland Hills Elementary is an elementary school (circa 2009-2010) and it still doesn't have sixth grade in it....But some schools in the LAUSD do. (Do not confuse LAUSD with the Las Virgenes Unified School District, or LVUSD.)

Essential Question: Do you think kids should get paid to go to school? Explain using your instincts and resources below:

School is just another way of saying "work before actual work" isn't it? And in actual work, you get paid money. In most cases, minimum wages, and in some cases, maximum wages...So you should at least get to use some of this scale in school, right? It starts in first grade. You get paid $5 for a good job when you get your report card, but there are some flaws in this experiment, so you would also have to pay $5 if you do a bad job. In second grade, the amounts are multiplied by 1.25. And then, in third grade, the second grade amounts are multiplied by 1.5. But in fourth and fifth grade, here is where you can earn a lot of money. Every test you take will have a certain amount of points, whether it is for all of you grade or for little of it. Every test is worth five points; multiple choice; seven points; free response, total questions being 25.

In middle school and high school, things get tougher. Try to experiment with your own grading scale, because mine will be way to confusing....In college, you get paid nothing. Sorry!


Essential Question: To prevent all the gasses and exhaust that come out from cars, do you think we should travel on horses?

Essential Question: If you had the option of being an author or an actor, which one would you be?

Essential Question: Would you rather live as a child in the 19th century, 1900s, 1920s, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, or 2009? Explain.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Will Life Continue?

Environmental Issues......
Watch how one girl silenced the world for five minutes with a truly encouraging speech.
It's to bad she couldn't change anything, though.......
Also: Watch my second Animoto on how the environment does matter:

The Power of Google Docs

Google Docs is a new online service in which you can do MANY things.
ONE of these things is to make a DOCUMENT, a SPREADSHEET, or even a PRESENTATION. It has all the features of Microsoft Word, except it's free!
NUMBER TWO. Other people can edit your document if you think it doesn't sound right. For example, if you are writing a love letter to your girlfriend, and you don't think it sounds right, you can invite your friends to edit the document. Or if you are writing a report for school with a partner, and somehow you need to communicate with each other. Usually when you and your friend are using the same computer, you fight to use it. One will say, "My turn," and the other will say, "Give me it back," and things just won't work out. But, the problem is, you cannot come over to each other's houses. Google Docs allows you and your partner to edit the report at the same time from different computers! All you need is an internet connection, and your set.
NUMBER THREE. Google Docs is compatible with any computer at all. If you make a project on your computer at home, and you need to print it out at school, you can bring a flash drive an upload it to the computer at school. But sometimes, the computer at school is not compatible with your document--and your screwed. Well, not exactly. If you uploaded your document to Google Docs, it is for sure compatible with any computer at all, as long as it has Internet.
NUMBER FOUR. Do you have PowerPoint? Where do you think you got it? You probably had to pay for it, didn't you? What about Microsoft Word? You had to pay for that, too, right? Or how about some other tool like these ones? Google Docs has the power of all of these. It is compatible with any system, any computer, as long as it has Internet. But don't you have to pay for something so wonderful? you ask. The answer is a simple NO. In fact, Registration is the easiest part: All you have to do is type in your current email address, choose a password, type in your location, and your set to go. No names, no credit card numbers, nothing. And your set to go for Google Docs.
MY Google Docs is a very funny story I made, but then a kid in my class named Travis edited it on a different computer. I looked at his changes, and edited those all over again.
Here is the link for my Google Doc:
Here is the link for the Google Docs homepage:
Have fun exploring Google Docs......

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Animoto and Voice Thread-Sorry For the Long Tittle!-Oh! Great Now I am Making It Even Longer! Ahhh! Help!

Animoto is a fun and exciting online service where you yourself can make movies by doing the simplest of things, or in another words, uploading any pictures from any site, or even your own pictures using a digital camera or other photo programs (iPhoto, etc.), video clips, and music of your choice. You can even make a movie trailer for your own movie! "It is so awesome," reports Tom from Animoto. Make videos about anything: You, your mother(s-Yikes!) or father(s-Yikes! again), brothers, sisters, teachers, priests, pets, friends, Link"celebrities, role models, and more. But these videos are not just limited to people: You can do anything: Your house (.....awkward), your life (like a mini auto-bio), or someone else's, your trips to a different country, or a video story!
Whatever! It honestly isn't that brutal to make one, and here are the steps how to:
STEP 1: Go to the Animoto site.
STEP 2: Make an account (and I am legally advised to tell you to go online with a parent...).
STEP 3: Upload photos, whether they are already uploaded to your computer, or they are still waiting to be uploaded on the Internet.
STEP 4: You can also add text, a personal message, or other video clips by uploading them from your computer.
STEP 5: You may also want to add a soundtrack. Animoto has a "growing library" of free copyright tunes, or you can upload your own.
That's basically it. Animoto then morphs all of your photos and tunes together to create the coolest video of all time! You can then embed the video anywhere online--It's that easy! If you're not satisfied with your Animoto when it comes out (which I guarantee WILL NOT occur), you can send it through Animoto again and remix it! Just give it a five-minute try!
If you need more help, when you get to the Animoto website, you can click on the "Learn More in Sixty Seconds" button, and a really good one minute tour video will be come up to help you understand more....Now lets compare Animoto to Voice Thread:
As I told you before, in my "Voice (Needle and) Thread" Voice Thread is a cool online free program where you can create a presentation, using typed words, or your own actual recorded voice, with picture(s) that help explain them. My Voice Thread was about books, and can also be on a variety of other topics. Voice Threads tend to be longer than Animotos, for you can only upload so many pictures and video clips, meanwhile you can upload just one picture on Voice Thread, and alter the picture, too, while you go along and talk using that one picture for hours (or minutes.....). What I was trying to say in that long, long sentence, is that in Animoto, your time length depends on how many video clips and photos you put in, unlike Voice Thread where you can talk throughout the whole video for as long as you would like (hopefully not boring your viewers), using just one picture or more. You can use Voice Thread at home for personal use, like entertaining your friends or visitors, or for fun when you are bored, the same for Animoto. You can also publish it online to share with the world (also with Animoto, too). You can use both Animoto and Voice Thread for school to make
presentations about a subject (such as a war in Social Science, and famous writers in Language Arts). There are many things to do with all of the online services I tell you about. And it is very good when important people see what you've shared with the world. Because when an important person sees something he likes that you've created, you're in luck.
Important Notice You do need an account to make a video. Accounts are free.
Also: What I have noticed, is while animoto is processing your "pre-video" into an actual animoto, it takes a long time. Meanwhile, Voice Thread takes no time because it does not morph into a video....

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Today's Top Books

This is my Voice Thread. I have titled it Today's Top Books because I have included some of my favorite novels, including Cirque Du Freak and Harry Potter. Notice how the Voice Thread doesn't actually have actual voice (this is because I am honestly not a good speaker. If I was on a talk show, I'd be tongue-twisted for the whole horrid hour).....Enjoy!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

A Chipmunk, A Phone, and a Radio: A Series That Questions Us All

Enjoy! This is my first minisode(1) in the Chipmunk, Phone, and Radio series or CPR for short. I have titled it The Dance Party and when you watch it, you'll see why. I have two more left!
By the way, there is no SYNTHASITE website! That was a long time ago and I do not want to talk about it.....Enjoy!

Enjoy! This is my second minisode(1) in the Chipmunk, Phone, and Radio saga or CPR for short. I have titled it A Christmas Special even though I celebrate Hanukkah, not Christmas, and when you watch you'll see why. I have only one more left! By the way, there is no YOLA or SYNTHASITE website. Like I said above, that was long ago....Enjoy!

Enjoy! This is my third and last minisode(1) in the Chipmunk, Phone, and Radio saga or CPR for short. I have titled it Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul and many teens know that there is a series titled this, and this series includes drama, excitement, and sorrow. This is sort of like a filtered version, and it uses Chipmunk, Radio, and Telephone! By the way, NO YOLA WEBSITE is involved! Do not try typing in the yola or synthasite website address, for a blank page will come up!

(1) Minisode....A Shorter Version of an Episode, from the Latin route mini
A Note to my Fellow Viewers: These videos were created on behalf of creativity and excellence on the web. In another words, when I was in my creative mood, I created these videos using simple software such as iMovie 3 and iTunes 7.
COMING SOON TO STORYPEDIA Abandoned and Blue-Ray and D-V-D

For Anonymous, the girl who now knows me as trash-pick-up kid.....

Friday, September 25, 2009

Henry's (and Morgan's Story) of Suicide

1. The Life and Times of Henry (introduction)
he young boy lied there, resting peacefully on the green. Below him was a steep, steep ditch filled with leftover trees, logs, woods, and plants from when it was deforested in the 1970s. The young boy had a name. It was Henry. Henry decided he'd continue sleeping until the break of dawn. When Henry was bored, he'd go to this special place he'd been sleeping on for the past three hours. Houses were also surrounding the ditch, but probably fell in the pit of it during earthquakes, leaving leftover logs and pieces of what were glass windows in some places over the ditch. Wildlife was everywhere, but Henry didn't even notice. The young boy called Henry had trouble going back to sleep once he had woken up. He was too excited about building a house himself with his father the next day on one of these ditches. Long ago, most of Henry's relatives died, including his mother, Mary, who died the night Henry was born, in 1990. Henry was going to make this home out of sixteen logs, four for each wall and two glass windows, for Henry and his father to see the beauty of outside nature. Henry's father did not own a car, for he couldn't afford one. His father was naturalist, and also owned a shop filled with plants and trees and the most majestic herbs that could cure just about anything. Where Henry and his father lived, there was only a large schoolhouse and small homes throughout the town, and Henry and his father liked it that way. Many people visited the shop of Henry's father's many times, even though it was a long drive. It was worth it. The schoolhouse was one mile away, and Henry was happy his father made the decision that he wouldn't go until seven. "Henry, you shall not go to school until the age of seven. Until this time, I want to teach you everything I know about nature and wildlife," is exactly what he had said to Henry, even though he knew the law required Henry to go at the age of five. And Henry's father stuck to this statement. By the age of seven, Henry knew just about everything on nature. The wildlife surrounding him, how the Earth was formed, what beauty was destroyed long ago, how our air is cleaner than regular air, and so much more. He also learned how the ditch they were soon to live near was made. "During an earthquake long ago, two plates moved in the opposite direction of each other along the fault line, making a large, large hill. In the seventies, workers deforested much of our land, and after one decade, and my fellow customers and I dug out the hill to make a ditch for trapping burglars so they couldn't enter our land. Everyone who was a good citizen knew about the ditch so they couldn't fall in," said Henry's father, "and the ditch is about one quarter mile deep."
notes from henry before death...
Time passed by and my father and I settled in our new-built home. When I became seven, I knew it was time I had to go to school, so my father enrolled me in the nearest schoolhouse. It was one mile from where we lived, so we walked there, for we didn't have an automobile. Everyday, my father would walk me to the school, and I absolutely loved it. Our house contained an old stove in the corner, a candle that lit our home that hung on the ceiling, two beds, one small one for me, and a large one for my father, and a table with all the casual stuff on it in the other corner: a telephone, a clock, and something called an ice box. An ice box was what all people used instead of a fridge before the refrigerator was invented. An iceman came by everyday with ice and we stored the ice in our ice box. Our iceman was my father's very good friend and best customer, Harold.
back to what the author knows about henry.....
But this is not what the story is supposed to be about. This story is supposed to be how Henry and his love he made at school and both or one of their DEATHS. Death is a weird thing you know. If you ever had experienced surgery, you wake up all groggily and then you realize you've just experienced temporary death. I unfortunately experience this "temporary death" and I thought So this is what death is like. Death happens to all of us, and it doesn't avoid a single creature on this planet, whether it is the tallest man on Earth, or the smallest fly you can find. Death certainly did not avoid Henry.....Here is where the ultimate story of death really starts:
2. Socialization at School (seconduction)
After a while, Henry reached the age of eight and entered his first day of his second year in school. Henry was very friendly, and had no social problems. His only problems were the academic ones. But that didn't matter much for Henry, because he knew he was set for life. He knew all about geology, nature, and science, which Henry and his peers did not study at school. He was going to become an excellent naturalist when he grew up, to take the chance his father wanted him to. Mathematics would never matter. Reading and Writing he had trouble with. His skills in these subjects were much lower than his classmates' ones, mostly because in the years of education he missed, Kindergarten and First Grade, the number one thing you learned was how to read and write. But Henry became so interested in Reading and Writing, he made it his goal to learn everything about these subjects by the end of Second Grade. Henry was great in P.E, but was absolutely horrid in artistic skills...he barely could hold up the paint brush and paint a smooth, solid-colored line. Anyway, Henry did make many friends in school. His teacher, Miss Bernardo the Fourth, or Miss B-Four, as she let us call her, was sweet as sugar-coated candy. Yet Henry's P.E teacher, Mr. Opal Jenkins the Sixth, who let us call him nothing but the sort, was as cruel as Miss B-Four was nice. Henry never invited friends over, not because he was embarrassed of his home (in fact he took pride in it), or because he wanted to spend time with his father, but because Henry liked to do things himself. He got into the habit of racing to a nearby tree what looked like the size of the Mississippi River by himself, eating by himself, jumping on a trampoline he made out of logs, leaves, and soft stuff he found by the ditch to make it jumpy and bouncy himself, swimming in the nearby creek himself, and even washing his own clothes, doing his own dishes, hunting his own food, knitting his own clothes himself. By Spring of Second Grade, Henry did almost everything himself, and learned a lot more than he knew about his favorite subjects (of course next to Science): Reading and Writing. On the first day of the new season, a girl named Morgan came to Henry's class. And boy, was love in the air. Henry was absolutely savoring over the tiniest thought of Morgan. He constantly made eye contact with the beautiful young woman named Morgan. Morgan sometimes made eye contact back. Morgan did not have the faintest idea why Henry kept doing this, for she did not know who Henry was and obviously did not feel the same way Henry thought of her as she thought of him. Morgan did want to be friends with Henry, so she slowly and maturely befriended him. First, she made eye contact with Henry before Henry made eye contact with her, and then actually said something to him. "Hello," she said with a beautiful voice Henry had never heard, "my name is Morgan, and I was wondering if you would like to be friends with me." You would think Henry would faint, for he was so in love with this girl that actually said something to him, but he didn't because this is a true story, not a fantasy. Henry took no hesitation when responding back, "Boy, would I!" He didn't care if he was acting weird. He loved Morgan to tears. Henry had never heard Morgan's voice, now that he thought about it. He saw her talking, but never actually heard her in the process.
3. The Final Chapter in How Henry Committed Murder (thirduction)
Henry stopped doing things himself for a small period of time. Henry wanted to do things with Morgan. Of course, like all boys would have to say, Henry did not have the guts to ask Morgan on a date. Morgan and him would always sit over the ditch and talk to each other every weekend and on Friday nights (which he liked most because he thought they were the most romantic). It was nice watching the sun set with Morgan, Henry would think to himself. Henry only tried to make one move on Morgan: A month after he had met her and two weeks after they started hanging out on the ditch, Henry leaned over and puckered his lips for Morgan. Morgan (thank God, thought Henry) did not notice (which caused sorrow to fill Henry's body, but he soon got over it) and continued to relax there with Henry, just talking. After this, Henry never dared to even put his arm around Morgan. Exactly on Henry's fourth Friday hanging out with Morgan over the ditch, he noticed signs surrounding the ditch and surprisingly people doing things inside of the ditch (and it was a deep, deep ditch). Morgan wasn't there yet, and speaking of Morgan, let me tell you where she lived. The schoolhouse was exactly one mile away from Henry's home, and Morgan's family had a house built halfway from where Henry's home was. There was a large hill separating Morgan from Henry, and Henry sometimes felt bad for Morgan, because she had to walk a mile and a half to get to the schoolhouse, but her mother would always take her just like Henry's father would always take him. The signs read MEN WORKING and PLEASE STAND AWAY FROM THE CONSTRUCTION SITE and when Henry read them he wondered what was going on. Pretty soon Henry heard the head construction worker in the ditch shouting, "Hey! Get out of here! Leave, scram! Kid, move on!" Henry thought the worker was crueler than his P.E teacher. When Morgan came over, ten minutes later, she also wondered what was going on. Trust me, Henry was much angrier than Morgan was. He knew this was the end of his place to sit with Morgan. Morgan was only friends with Henry in her mind, but in Henry's mind, Morgan meant the world to Henry. Morgan wasn't happy about it either, though. She knew Henry was disappointed about the spot, but she tried to convince him to get a new spot for them to hang out. But Morgan did not understand. The workers weren't just destroying the ditch, for they'd have to have a reason. And that reason why mostly why Henry was so mad. They were destroying the entire town, building huge houses for rich men and their wives over it. Hotels, malls, shopping strips were going to be placed over the town in which both Henry lived in. I cannot describe to you what happened after this. I can give you little details, which may or may not help you understand why the workers continued shoveling and digging and building and destroying. Henry over time tried to convince the workers to stop digging, but that didn't help, especially because all workers except the head worker spoke only Spanish. A thought soon ran through Henry's mind: Why wasn't his father or the rest of his customers or anyone who lived in our town helping? Why was I the only one? Why...Henry couldn't tell all his fellow citizens to help, for children had to be respectful to all adults, but he could tell his peers. And he did, but that didn't work. None of the children listened to him, for they all didn't care. They all wanted to have a shopping center, a mall, and live in big houses. Of course, they didn't know that they were going to be the ones to get kicked out of their small houses and not get be invited back to a big mansion.
Look, I am tired and sleepy, and cannot go on with the story. I will have to tell you only part of it and go directly to the conclusion:
One Friday night, when Morgan knew she was not supposed to meet Henry at the ditch because the workers were well...working. But Henry telephoned her and told her to come. She asked why, but Henry preferred not to tell her, so she came anyway. When Morgan got there, she was surprised to see a pack of black and white police cars surrounding the ditch. But when she saw Henry's body lying face down in the ditch, probably a quarter mile down, her surprise went away. Instead of surprise, she felt a new emotion: Suicide.
Where, you ask, is Morgan today? Well, she now is in sixth grade, attending a middle school somewhere in America. Morgan was inspired by Henry's passion to read and write, so she decided to write a book. She had to switch around the years in her story, and was so modest she wrote it under a pen name. Where is that story today? You have just finished reading it.

Voice (Needle and) Thread & *Special Preview

SHARING your creativity online is one way to express yourself to the whole world. Have you ever shared more than just how well you can type? Have you ever shared how well you can talk with your mouth? That's nice if you have. PowerPoint is an option, but then you would have to upload it on your site, and do all that other technological stuff...That was in the old days. Now there's...................
Voice Thread is a fun program where you can make any video you would like with your own voice or someone else's voice. You can always edit videos, and delete them when you would like, and the coolest part is other people get to comment on videos by you with their own voices.
Important Notice: You do not need an account to browse through a full collection of videos made by other users, but you do need an account to create your own videos or comment on other's. ACCOUNTS ARE FREE.
Just go to and make an account today. You can then embed (import) your video into your blog or website, and share it with the world.
But wait, I am NOT finished. I've only told you the topic, the main ideas. Now I will go into the details...
1. There are fiv
e ways to comment, and will you are commenting, you can alter the image you are copying, and then in your video, use the altered image for a picture.
2. Like most other videos, you can delete your own, and you also can delete your own comments on another's video.
3. You can zoom in and out on a video, and you also can hold the picture in an
y direction.
4. You can listen to other user's comments on a video by simply clicking on their avatar or picture on the edges of the video.
These are only some of the things you can do Voice Thread, so go to the site now and make a video, or click "So what is a voice thread anyway" on the homepage.
Unfortunately, I am not yet a user and cannot embed for you viewers an actual voice thread in this post. Although I do not have this, I do have for you a wonderful survey of my friends from the Middle East and other areas of the world. I have not actually met them, but I write to them every Friday when I can, and they are my pen pals. One week ago, on Friday the 18th, I sent them a notice about Voice Thread, and a week later they have all sent me back what they have done with Voice Thread:
Utopian (YOU-Tope-E-An) Kinishikoba (KA-Neesh-A-Ko-Va) from Maryland, Saudi Arabia says (translated into proper English):
Omg! I love Voice Thread. My father would not let me buy a computer, so I had to walk seven
miles during midnight, when the Indians come out and hunt for food, to the Saudi Arabia Public Library. I managed to avoid the danger of the Indians and when I got to the library, I was so mad I could have murdered that night when I heard the Internet was closed from 6:00 PM to 9:00 AM. I walked back the seven miles and later the next day I managed to go on voice thread and share my thoughts about sushi that tastes good forever on the Library computers. Search the term how to make everlasting sushi on Voice Thread and my video will come up. I was the only one in the library, so the librarian let me speak as loudly as I wanted. I talked about how some people say sushi causes diseases and other untrue information, and shared with the public how sushi causes diseases is simple rubbish. So search how to make everlasting sushi now!
Karren Kombersmitchledoodles (Comb-er-Smith-frogging-doodles) from Woodland Hills, Japan said:
I made a Voice Thread about a child who received an education at Girard E
lementary in Woodland Hills, Japan in the 1930s. In the middle of elementary education, she had to move to Charcoal Elementary for Anxious Girls Under the Age of Thirty and Over the Age of Five or CEAGUATOAF (See-You-Glued-A-Toe-To-Your-Self) for short. Her experiences at CEAGUATOAF were horrid and I cannot (translate or) write them down in this letter to you. But I did explain almost all of the events that occurred in her lifetime in my voice thread. So search the term girl searching for dreams in 1930s Woodland Hills, Japan at Girard Elementary and Charcoal Elementary for Anxious Girls Under the Age of Thirty and Over the Age of Five or GSFDI1930SWHJAGEACEFAGUTAOTAOTAOF (Girl-Calm-Down-You-Do-Know-It-Is-Not-The-Thirties-Any-More-Wiggle-It-Out-Groovy-

*Special Preview But there is not just Voice Thread when it comes to making cool presentations the one I made above. Animoto is a really awesome program that allows you to make really cool movies by simply uploading some pictures, music, and choosing some other background effects. Animoto does the rest...Let me tell you the full details in my upcoming post: Animoto
Copyright 2009 by Anonymous Storypedia,,, Edited on Big Huge Labs.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Book of the Week

Every week, a new contest will be run ending on October 8, 2009. This contest involves YOU guessing what book I am talking about. What I mean by this is that I will right a small paragraph about a book. You will have to guess what book it is. Each person ONLY gets TWO tries at the Book of the Week. If you guess right, you will be entered into the Book of the Week Sweepstakes where you will win one small prize for every book of the week you get correct. Only the person that gets the Book of the Week right FIRST gets the prize. You will be notified when this occurs. At the end (Oct 8, 2009) whoever has the most prizes and questions correct will win a super-prize worth over five dollars! Remember to read the fine print at the bottom before you answer this post:
I hope my manuscript will do well when my mom sees it. Cassandra, what a great pen name. I wonder what my mom will think of it. She doesn't even know it's me, Natalie. What will happen when she finds out there's no Cassandra? Will she be mad I did this or happy? Will she be proud or disappointed? I'm starting to think there's no way out of this...Why did Zoey ever have to even breathe how she wanted my story to be published.....

Prizes Include:
Extremely Fast (as of Mon September 21): 1999 Dime
Fast: 1999 Nickel
Above Average: Two 1999 Pennies
Average: 1999 Penny
Below Average: Photo of an Islands Restaurant Coupon from 1998
Extremely Slow: Online Unprintable Certificate in Black and White
Fine Print
You must be over the age of one. You must have a birth certificate. You must have one talent. You must have had eaten pork. You cannot be Ugobabaarishly (YOU-GO-Bu-Bu-Bair-Ish-ly) born. If you have eaten brick, you're out. You cannot live outside of Earth. Prizes are only given out to people outside of Ugoslavia. Prizes may be lower quality than described. Prizes will be sent by post in the time slot of twelve to fourteen years. Storypedia is legally advised to tell you there have been many complaints that contestants have not recieved their prizes at all after twenty-five years...
Congratulations to Mr., Mrs., Miss or Neuter (etc.) Lowenberg! You have officially won Book of the Week! Your speed rate was "Extremely Slow." We are sorry to tell you that you have won an online unprintable certificate in Black and White that you can embed on your blog, Yankees Fan Blog Homepage, now! Your certificate is very rare and special in many ways, so use it wisely. Your certificate will expire on Sat 8:48 PM Oct 17 2009! Here is the embed code: IAMACODETHATWILLNOTWORKSOPLEASEDONOTEVENDARETOEMB

How to Use an Image Generator

Image Generators for Dummies
Written by Anonymous Storypedia

Once you reach your second stage of real and unfortunate education, you enter Middle School. Middle School has it all. The nerds, the tallies, the shorties, the eighth-graders (in some places, the ninth-graders too!), the crushes, the classes, and especially the HOMEWORK...I will not go into HOMEWORK but I will mention to you that this blog originally (August 2009) contained nothing but one post and my blog was called
Homework or Child Abuse? which basically asked the children of America, Is homework child abuse or is it educational work to do at home to make us learn? My thoughts were that homework was child abuse, but I will not go into that for now. This post is about how to use an image generator. Image generators are websites or places on the web in which you can upload and/or edit photos to share them with the entire world. Some of the most common image generators include Facebook, Flickr, and Myspace. Editing on image generators include transforming photos into black and white, sepia, sketches, painting, monochrome styles, and more. You can use image generators for many occasions. One example would be when you do not want to use many pictures you have uploaded to your computer. This is because if your computer breaks down and looses all its memory, your pictures will be gone forever. You can backup these photographs and other images onto an image generator or photo-sharing site, such as the ones I mentioned to your above. My favorite editing sites include both Big Huge Labs ( and Image Chef ( If you don't want to share your photos with the world, but you still would like to back them up on the Internet, most photo-sharing sites allow you to share your images privately. Editing photos for school can be easily done and put into a report or assignment. Also, if you are writing a story for Language Arts (or any other assignment/subject) you can easily make a cover page for your report using an image generator. You can edit photographs into paintings on Big Huge Labs, turn them into your teacher, and then say you painted it yourself. Who knows? Your teacher might be dumb enough to give you points for it (no offense teachers). Image generators can also be helpful when creating cards for your relatives and friends, and also for personal use. Using image generators besides at school can easily be a priority. Maybe if you want to make a Youtube video, image generators also have video effects, so you can use them for Youtube too. How about making posters for your room? I've seen it done millions of times. I have and will continue to create my own photos using image generators, and some are right here in this blog, one being in this post. You can also create bumper stickers for your car on image generators, creative interactive puzzles on image generators, and more. Here are some frequently asked questions by random children from all across the world:
Sarah Fisherman from New Arizona, Texas asks, "I have created an image on Big Huge Labs on my Macbook. I want to take it and drag it on my desktop, but it won't drag. Is there another way?" My answer to Sarah's question is, "Yes Sarah. Since you are using a Macintosh, press Apple, Control, Shift, #4 at the same times and perpendicular lines will appear. Drag these lines where the edge of your image is and highlight what you want your picture to be. It will then appear on the desktop. This is called a screen shot. For Windows users, go to Help and search "screen shot".
Utopian Kinishikoba XIII (KA-Neesh-AUH-KO-bA) from Jersey City, Japan asks, "My Windows computer keeps on breaking down. Help me!" My answer to this question is, "This is what you get for buying a Windows computer. This is called KARMA!"
An example of making a word mosaic on an image generator, Image Chef, is shown to the left.
CONTEST: Comment on this post, and guess what you think the word mosaic shape is in. Hint: Invented in 1983, this nowaday need is owned by almost all of the world. Copyright 2009 by Anonymous Storypeida.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Sandy and Me: The Movie

My first Blogory (see Vital Tital for meaning; last sentence) I wrote started out as a small doodle of a story about a kid who grew up in the fifties that I made because I was bored.. But then I added a vital character. Her name was Sandy. Sandy and Elliot slowly grew up in Elementary School, Sandy being picked on by larger and younger kids, and kids her own age, too. Elliot was one of them. In fifth grade, when Elliot had two years of Elementary School left, his parents kicked him out of the house and into a boarding school for the rest of his education. But this all changes in the movie. In fact, there are several romantic scenes (look, it's what the public wants!) and funny scenes (fifty's jokes), yet the story is very dramatic and you may cry at the end, which is why the movie is rated PG-13.
For actors and their roles, click on the movie picture to the left and it will enlarge it. Pedros Yucca and his gang conducted a survey for me on the fifteenth of September to see whether people who saw a sneak preview of the movie liked it better than the story. The sneak preview was shown on September 14, 2009 and here is what the survey results were:
  1. Peros Yucca himself said, "Wow, (Anonymous), you did an amazing job with this movie. But shouldn't there be a trailer? Your fans must need a trailer before they see a movie, just like every other movie. This isn't the thirties anymore, (Anonymous). Although the sneak preview was pretty good. I like the book better, though. Maybe you could put a sad song in the trailer?...See ya." My comment on Pedros's comment was, "Well, Pedros. I really want to do that, but I don't have the right software. I'll keep on trying, though."
The other comments were not posted to do disapproval by the author of the posts.

Image Copyright 2009 by Anonymous Storypedia, edited on Big Huge Labs, and du/snarl/files/2007/03/500000%20 Mom%20in%201950s%20Atlantic%20City.jpg.

A Book Cover: Computer Connections Assignment

Computer Connections
Telegraphed at 10:37 am, Saturday, September 19, 2009
The Anonymous Residence TO estimes.


Friday, September 18, 2009

Photography at Another New Glance

Big Huge Labs Edition
I am sure you and your buddy have traded some baseball cards in your lifetime. No? Basketball? Football? Any other sport? Well, I haven't either. But guess what! There is a program known as "Big Huge Labs" in which you can edit photos in the coolest online way yet! There is over 250 different ways to edit a photo, and I cannot tell you them all, but I will mention the "FX" special effect. You can change a picture to a painting, sketch, b&w, monochrome, color, charcoal, and so much more. In my story, The Baker and his Shop, I took three photographs that went with my story, then edited them on Big Huge Labs, and pasted them into my Blogory (see A Vital Tital for meaning). Go to now! Notice my very own trading cards to the left and right above. Roald Dahl is to the left and Jerry Spinelli is to the right. To the left, you will see a trading card for an illustrator who illustrates Roald Dahl's books. Quentin Blake is an amazing artist and I think he deserves a trading card.

Copyright 2009 by Anonymous, Creator of Storypedia,, Wikipedia,

A Scentful Story

The BAKER and his SHOP
On twenty-second street lies a bakery filled with sweet and majestic pastries and goods. On the opposite side of the bakery lies stores, shops, and groceries. But no houses. The baker who ran this bakery was named Mr. Popeson. One day, three children came into the
store and smelt the most marvelous scents in the world. Scents of danishes, cakes, pies, cupcakes, creme-filled Cinnamon swirly raisin rolls, candy, of all kinds and more. The children pressed their faces against the transparent cupboard filled with all these sweet desserts. They asked the baker, "May we sample the cream cheese pie," for these children were poor and dressed in ragged clothes and couldn't afford any of the treats but samples. But the baker wasn't paying attention to the children. He was paying attention to the word, "sample". No one had ever asked the baker for a sample, and for a good reason they did not. You might be thinking that the baker is going to kick the children out of the shop and scream his lungs out, but this is not what the baker did at all. The baker told the eleven year-old young adults, "Of course," he said softly, "you may have all the samples you want." The children got really excited as the baker took one half a slice of the creamy, oh so creamy cheese pie. But he didn't give it to the children right away. Instead, he told the children, "I'll be right back," and went into the back of the bakery. He carried with him one of the most delicious pies in the city. 1935 was the year, and an entire pie had cost 20 cents, each slice costing 5 cents. But the children had nothing, not even a cent. This baker ignored this fact, and concentrated how these children asked for a "sample". He went into the hidden part of the bakery, far, far back, where the poison was hidden. Oh, why, oh, why needed the baker to go in the back to get the poison? This question will probably be answered towards the end of the story. The criminal rate of New York City was very low at this time, but the baker of twenty-second street still was there, and he definitely counted as a criminal. I won't go into his criminal record at the time, but I will tell you he has done a lot of mischief in his life. And right then, right when he reached for the poison to sprinkle in the pie, he had added even more mischief to his life. Ignoring this fact, the baker reached for the red bottle that had a skull on its surface and below this it read POISON FOR CHILDREN
AGED 3-5. The baker could see that the children were eleven and
twelve, but for once in his life he didn't actually want to kill children, so he gave them a minimized amount that was less harmful. Then he put a drop of this in a bottle. In order to make this poison complete, he added one drop of Soda Pop. Poison reacted quite strangely with Soda Pop. He shut the cap of the bottle quickly and shook it up and down until it started to get greenish and bubbly. He cut open the cream cheese pie and poured this dreaded formula into it (the children would get suspicious if they saw the poison on top of the cake). Then he sew it back on with some needle and thread he had found and went back towards the children. The children had been waiting patiently, whispering to each other about something the baker couldn't hear. They were sitting down peacefully and quietly in a booth when the baker came out from the back and said, "Here you go," as he divided the half a slice into three halves of a slice and gave each to the children. They thanked the greedy baker dearly and left. That was the end of the children.

This story is not over yet. In fact, that was just a small part of it. Here's where it
gets good. A week after the baker poisoned the children (which caused them all except one to die; the one that still was alive was being cared for by a nice woman named Olivia), a man named James came to town and moved in directly next to the bakery. James was a very caring and bright man and had not meant any harm to anyone he had ever met. Jame's first day in New York City was just fine. He had settled in and gotten comfortable. But it wasn't until the second day of Jame's move that Mr. Popeson, the baker of twenty-second street, had noticed James and his big house right next to his comparably small bakery. James had just passed by the bakery. He thought to himself Wow, that bakery is filled with treats! Boy, if only my wife were here....That thought quickly drowned away as he saw the baker spit in one of the pastries and
shoved it back in the display window filled with all the other pastri
es. But it wasn't just the look of these pastries; it was also the scent. The marvelous, marvelous scent could be smelt from miles away. But it was at its best right next to the bakery. The scent was strong and was made up of danishes, cheese-filled, creamy and delicious, chocolate eclairs, fruit tarts, smelling of sugary strawberry and mango, Yorkshire Pudding, homemade just like Jame's mother use to make, and all the other stuff you find in bakeries. But the scent was so extravagant, that Jame's nose controlled Jame's legs and made him follow the scent into the bakery. Oh, how wonderful the scent was (okay! fine I'll stop mentioning to you how the scent was so majestic). The baker did not greet him in any way at all, but instead said from the back, "Buy something or get out!" James ignored the baker's comment and continued to smell the pastries. When the baker came out from the back, James quickly left, but the baker stopped him. "Hey, you look familiar....Do you live in town?" That was the way you would greet someone in the thirties if they looked familiar. James responded, "Yes, indeed. In fact, I live right next to the bakery." The baker though he had misheard James. He stepped out of the bakery, which is when he first noticed the giant brick house, surrounded by trees and plants, in which James lived in. The baker had an outrage. He had a fit. He went absolutely nuts. Are you wondering why? I'll tell you. As I mentioned earlier, the baker was a greedy man filled with disgust. But no man goes nuts over SCENT. I mean, really. The baker couldn't stand that someone was smelling up all of his delicious pastries. He kicked James out and called his wife. He and his wife had a discussion and went to the town court later that day. The Supreme Town Court of New York City was located in the middle of town. He drove there with his old beaten-up low-quality 1929 Chevy. He entered the court in the middle of an important trial and said to the judge, "Tomorrow: Me and James, the new guy: ten o'clock am sharp! The lawyers and victims and witnesses and plaintiffs and juries and defendants began to say, "Excuse you, but we are in the middle of an import case, so if you wouldn't mind--" They were cut off by the famous Judge Judy of their time, 1935, (except she was a man) who said, "No, let him speak, please Miss Willadoodles, Mr. Flogginboodles, Mrs. Shobolobindog, and Mr. Yuccadoggy. I want to hear what nonsense this man has for me today." They tried to convince the Judge further, but they eventually gave in. The baker continued, "A new man who calls himself James has just moved in DIRECTLY next to my bakery, and I don't like it one bit. He is simply smelling up all of my delicious pastries. Besides, it is not fair to the rest of the village that he is smelling up the pastries the most out of everyone else." "And what would you be suing this man 'James' for?" asked the Judge. "Didn't I just explain? Didn't I? HE IS SIMPLY SMELLING UP MY ENTIRE BAKERY!" screamed the baker. Then the Judge had an idea. A marvelous one, too. He gave into James at once, but made some conditions: "Fine. Tomorrow at ten o'clock, you and James will be in court. But there are some rules. If you win, James will have to pay you five pure gold coins the size of an apple each. But if James wins......You will have to move out of this town and go far, far away, and James gets to own the bakery. Now get out of this court at once before I get my bailiff to kick you out." The baker at once left. One hour later, (when the case ended and Mr. Floginboddles won and Miss Willadoddles lost, Miss Willadoddles had to pay a $50 fine, which was certainly a lot) James was telephoned by the Judge, and this is basically how the conversation went:
"Hello? Hello. This is the Judge of the New York City Supreme Court. I was wondering, would you mind coming over tomorrow to the court. Your not in trouble, but your next door neighbor is being a nuisance and we would appreciate if you could come over. Sure, but why me? Well, that us a simple question. The baker seems to think that you are 'smelling up his pastries' and he wants to sue you. Of course, I know this is all nonsense, but I also know for sure that you are going to win no matter what. Everyone in the village, including the jury, absolutely hates the baker. If you win, he will have to move far, far away, and you will also get to own the bakery. But what if I don't win? You will win. What if I don't? Well.......then you would have to pay him five gold coins, but who cares? It is not like your going to loose. Well, I guess I have no problem with that, then. So it's settled. Tomorrow at ten in the morning. See you there."

The next morning the baker could hear Jame's pocket jiggling with gold coins. He could hear it from far, far away. He felt like he was a good person that day.

Now it is your turn to edit this story.
1. Comment on this blog.
2. Finish it in your comment.
3. Leave the country or state in which you live in.
4. Describe what you thought about the beginning of the story.

Images Copyright 2009 by Anonymous, Creator of Storypedia,
Images Edited Using Big Huge Labs,,

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Great Giant of Yucca: The Movie

The Great Giant of Yucca

'm guessing you probably have read a story that later became a movie, right? Or visa versa? Well, I am probably right. If you have read my blog, you know about The Great Giant of Yucca, a story featured in my blog that has not been finished. Well you are certainly in for an ending in the movie, that is for sure. You'd be surprised how much more thrill....excitement.....and drama is in the movie than the story is. The movie is coming soon to Storypedia, so you better watch better not cry........and the movie will tell you exactly why. Wicked Witch #1...........Robbert Buckeye
Wicked Witch #2...........Pedros Yucca

Wicked Witch #3...........Yugobaba Kinishikoba

The Wonderful Witch of all the Great Land of Log:
Storypedia Anonymous (ME!)

Rated PG for Mild Violence

and some background provided by

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Photography at a New Glance

Only so much beauty of nature is left on this world, so help us protect it. These pictures are what all of the world should look like. No trucks, cars, trains, or any of that. Natural nature.
Copyright 2009 by Anonymous, Creator of Storypedia, Images provided by Flickr users Buck Forester, awynhaus' photostream.

Flickr (without the e) is a website. For sharing photos. But no just sharing photos. Editiing photos. Commenting on photos. Creating photos. Adding effects to photos. And films, too. Flickr has everything.
A survey on September 15, 2009 shows that:
Robbert Buckeye from New York City, Idaho said that,
"Flickr is one of the most cool sites on the Internet. I have at least 100 photos on it!"
Pedros Yucca from San Fransisco, Washington D.C, said that,
"Flicker is awesome! I have edited and shared over three films and two thousand photos on Flickr, and nearly a million people have seen them!"
Yugobaba Kinishikoba from Oklahoma City, Yugoslavia said that,
"...." (She was too speechless to even say a word, and we also couldn't translate Yugoslavian.)
(ME) Anonymous Storypedia from Houston, Massachussetts said that,
"Flickr amazes me in all possible is like a family photo album that your sharing with the whole world.....except much, much more!"
Go to now and share with the whole world pictures of what you think the world would love to see! Accounts are free and you don't have to have an account to explore photos or take the tour.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Music Links

Please enjoy the following music from the following links. These links are from Youtube, so if you are under the age of one hour and seventeen minutes, we advise you to have a parent with you. Don't worry, it's just music. THE BEST MUSIC EVER! Today's modern hip-hop is taking over. For example, "Akon"? What the heck is he supposed to be? All he knows how to sing is curse words. You may not agree with me, but if you do, good! Listen to this music!
If you like sad, but extravagant music (and while your listening to it you feel like your part of the song), click on one of these links:
If you like absolutely, oh just wonderful, piano music from 1903-1910, click here. THIS song is not boring, it is absolutely positively interesting.
If you like retro music from the forties and fifties, click here.
If you like music from the twenties, and you like learning about this period, click HERE.
If like music from the thirties, and like the cars from this period, click HERE.
If you liked the 2005 hit movie "Akeelah and the Bee", then you will love THIS.
If you would like to see the only existing footage of the Titanic and hear an especially good composition from that period of time, click HERE.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Do you not get my title?

a VITAL TITAL (tittle)
There has been some serious thinking into making my blog's web page title. Originally, I named it "Life: Snicket, Dahl, and Anonymous" because it sounded catchy. Since my address is I added "(The ES Times)" to my title. Then I took out "Life:" because it sounded really stupid. But some people don't understand my title, and I'll explain it to you. Have you ever read The Series of Unfortunate Events? If you have (I did in 4th grade) then you have read a book by Lemony Snicket. Have you ever read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory? If you have (I did in 4th grade), then you have read Roald Dahl's creation. All of his books are some of the best fantasy children's fairy-tale stories you can read. But, I'm pretty sure you haven't read Music Takes a Vacation or The Last Three Kids on the Planet because both of these creations are by a non-famous writer named Anonymous. Anonymous is a sixth-grade student who goes to Anonymous Ellen Wright Junior High. I mean it's not like I'm going to name my web page, "Storypedia, the Free Online Blogging Encylopedia," because that would be--WAIT! That's it! Storypedia. Like the encylopedia, only with stories, and anyone can edit the stories! It's a perfect title! Of course, it might be a little strange typing in, right? So I have given this blog the address of But eventually, someone will have to come around this web page. After all, there are seven billion humans in this planet, and more than 85% use the Internet. You do know, I make up all my blogs up as I write them. I don't write any plot or anything before I make a story-blog. Speaking of these story-blogs, I like to call them Blogorys. A lot of my blogs are Blogorys.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Another Story by Anonymous

The Great Giant of YUCCA

There once was a town in The Great Land of Log. The Land of Log, or Log for short, is an uncivilized country that has been abandoned for centuries. But before this time, there was town called, "Yucca". And in this town, there were tiny creatures called, "Gremlins". These Gremlins were alive in the fifteenth century (1407 A.D to 1498 A.D to be exact) and lived peacefully on the green. One day, one horrible day, these Gremlins were disturbed. While Mr. and Mrs. Opal Gremlin were knitting cloth in their home, something big and green could be spotted for a view. But they didn't notice this creature, for he was so big that he covered these tiny, helpless creatures with his whole body, so that it looked like it was nighttime for the town of Yucca. Of course the Opals did not notice this, for they were so endorsed in their knitting. It was only when Mrs. Opal said, "Let me see if the laundry is ready," that she noticed the sky was pitch black. Usually in Yucca, the weather was as hot as ever, which is why the community pond where the Gremlins could swim in and clean their dirty laundry, and the clothing lines used to dry the wet clothes were very helpful. But Mrs. Opal was very interested in why the weather was suddenly so cold and the sky was so dark. Anyway, Mrs. Opal grabbed the dry laundry and came back into the house. Of course there was no technology for Mrs. Opal to call her Gremlin friend Alberta Gremlin, and ask her about this weather, for Alberta was the best scientist Gremlin that could be found in Yucca. Poor, poor Mrs. Opal, if only she knew a green giant was about to step on what looked like a large dot to the monster.
The Great Land of Log had four Witches. The Wicked Witch of Yucca, The Wicked Witch of Knish, The Wicked Witch of Golly, and The Wonderful Witch of All of The Great Land of Log. The Wonderful Witch of All The Great Land of Log was a pretty Gremlin who was the Queen of all Gremlins, except for the Wicked Witches. The Queen of all Gremlins had been trying to get rid of the Wicked Witches since the late 1390s, when she had been the first Gremlin to ever set foot on the Great Land of Log. After she came, so did the Wicked Witches who settled the three districts of Log. Originally, there was only one small district settled in 1399, named Opal. The Queen of all Gremlins loved everyone and treated them with respect. She made slavery illegal (Gremlins were all the same color, green), banned murder, and gave a large amount of land to each Gremlin, which caused migration to The Great Land of Log. In 1407, while the Queen had made life easier for all Gremlins, there was a new colony formed called Yucca. One of the Gremlins had enchanted powers and formed this colony without the Queen's permission. But there was more than just one Gremlin with enchanted powers, there were three, and they were all sisters. The other two sisters also formed colonies named Knish and Golly. But Yucca had the most population out of all. So when the news got to the Queen, she set out to find these Gremlins who had ran the colonies. Each of these enchanted Gremlins called themselves, "Witches". The Gremlins who had settled in these colonies did not know about the Witches, for if they did, they would have left immediately. But they didn't and that was that. After most of the Gremlins had settled in their positions, the three Witches revealed themselves to the settlers and did not allow them to leave. But the Gremlins didn't care, for they were happy with the resources and environment around them. This made the Witches mad, especially the Witch of Yucca. So she minimized the land of the Gremlins and made them pay a large sum of money for each acre. They made this money from starting agriculture on farms and selling it at markets. The Queen of all Gremlins continued searching for all of the Wicked Witches, and knew that when a witch was touched by water, she would melt, as in all the fairy tales. After all, they all have some truth in them. The Wonderful Witch of All The Great Land of Log was still searching when this giant and vile beast started attacking Yucca.
At this point in the story, you might be thinking Hey, why haven't any monsters or goblins come into the picture and squished the Opals or Hey, why haven't any people seen the Gremlins and why aren't they attacking them? Well, both of these questions will be answered throughout the next chapters your eyes will read. And one of them might be answered in the very one you are reading right now. So concentrate hard on the following words:
It is time for you to come in, and edit this story.
Step One: Finish this blog, and leave the state in which you live in for good faith.
Only finish this blog according to the way the average fairy tale goes.
Step Two: If your ending to this story is so good, it will be published on my site.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Sandy and Me

September 1957

Today was the first day of third grade. My teacher, Miss Smith had told us promptly that we should be on our best behavior, or be struck with a paddle, which she kept on the top shelf of our classroom, which was hidden when a parent came in. When it was time for Snack Break, my teacher told the class that we should all guide the new student around the school. Her name was Sandy. We were then released to guide this girl around the school. When I saw what she looked like, I laughed under my breath. She wore glasses, had puffy hair, a pimple or two under her hair, and I could see that she was wearing a pink dress with a flower in her hair from where I was standing.

December 1957

Today the new student Sandy broke her leg after some of the big kids threw rocks at her. Even though I thought I had no sympathy, I really did feel sorry for her. The big kids have to pay for Sandy's injury. Her glasses also broke, and they cost her family $50.

Friday, January 1, 1960

Today life was no different than any other New Year's. My family had made me go and be on my best behavior to my Aunt and Uncle's home for their annual party. I had just got back from boarding school and took the train home. My parent's gave me their usual welcoming: a yawn, a smile, and a "how long will it be 'till you go back to boarding school again?" I had hated my parents since I was in fifth grade, when they sent me to boarding school so they could have the house to themselves again. I had two years left of Elementary School and said good-bye to all of my friends, who themselves were sad that I was leaving. They bade me good-bye and wished me luck. I threw up that night and was sleepless the next day.


Tuesday, January 1, 1980
Today something happened in my life. Something that was so unusual. At least it was to me. In the past five years of my life, I had grown fond of going to a coffee shop down the block and read for one hour while drinking a sip of hot chocolate every five minutes. Of course, it wasn't hot after fifteen minutes, so I soon just got an iced coffee, which also got warm after a half hour. Anyway, today a woman of an average height, looking like she was interested in something of mine, sat down at my table while I was reading
Gone With the Wind. So when she sat down, I did not have anything to say to her, so I waiting for her to say something to me. And she did, and that was, "Aren't you going to say something?" I was puzzled for a minute or two, but finally said, "Well, what is your trouble, young woman?" She told me that I was a shy person, and then said, "Don't you recognize me?" "I'm sorry, but I think you have the wrong man. I've been coming here for the past five years and this is the first time I've seen you," I told her. She slowly stood up an walked out of the shop with a tear or two in her eyes, which is when I had recognized that she was the nerdy Sandy me and my friends had always picked on.

Storypedia has found a user that explained their ending.
Sheryl Grabow-Weiss from Houston, Maryland said:
Has anyone offered an ending for your story? I'd like the main character to run after Sandy and find out about her life. Was she still nerdy? Or had she become a different person?

But that wasn't the ending, not at all. Some people change over time, in fact almost everybody does. But I knew Sandy did not. Her voice was as nerdy as ever, and red sixties-style sun-glasses hung over her eyes. I knew it would be impolite to make fun of her, so I didn't. In fact, I didn't even run after her. A couple days later, there was a report on the TV saying that someone had been murdered. The victim's name was Sandy.