Friday, September 4, 2009

Another Story by Anonymous

The Great Giant of YUCCA

There once was a town in The Great Land of Log. The Land of Log, or Log for short, is an uncivilized country that has been abandoned for centuries. But before this time, there was town called, "Yucca". And in this town, there were tiny creatures called, "Gremlins". These Gremlins were alive in the fifteenth century (1407 A.D to 1498 A.D to be exact) and lived peacefully on the green. One day, one horrible day, these Gremlins were disturbed. While Mr. and Mrs. Opal Gremlin were knitting cloth in their home, something big and green could be spotted for a view. But they didn't notice this creature, for he was so big that he covered these tiny, helpless creatures with his whole body, so that it looked like it was nighttime for the town of Yucca. Of course the Opals did not notice this, for they were so endorsed in their knitting. It was only when Mrs. Opal said, "Let me see if the laundry is ready," that she noticed the sky was pitch black. Usually in Yucca, the weather was as hot as ever, which is why the community pond where the Gremlins could swim in and clean their dirty laundry, and the clothing lines used to dry the wet clothes were very helpful. But Mrs. Opal was very interested in why the weather was suddenly so cold and the sky was so dark. Anyway, Mrs. Opal grabbed the dry laundry and came back into the house. Of course there was no technology for Mrs. Opal to call her Gremlin friend Alberta Gremlin, and ask her about this weather, for Alberta was the best scientist Gremlin that could be found in Yucca. Poor, poor Mrs. Opal, if only she knew a green giant was about to step on what looked like a large dot to the monster.
The Great Land of Log had four Witches. The Wicked Witch of Yucca, The Wicked Witch of Knish, The Wicked Witch of Golly, and The Wonderful Witch of All of The Great Land of Log. The Wonderful Witch of All The Great Land of Log was a pretty Gremlin who was the Queen of all Gremlins, except for the Wicked Witches. The Queen of all Gremlins had been trying to get rid of the Wicked Witches since the late 1390s, when she had been the first Gremlin to ever set foot on the Great Land of Log. After she came, so did the Wicked Witches who settled the three districts of Log. Originally, there was only one small district settled in 1399, named Opal. The Queen of all Gremlins loved everyone and treated them with respect. She made slavery illegal (Gremlins were all the same color, green), banned murder, and gave a large amount of land to each Gremlin, which caused migration to The Great Land of Log. In 1407, while the Queen had made life easier for all Gremlins, there was a new colony formed called Yucca. One of the Gremlins had enchanted powers and formed this colony without the Queen's permission. But there was more than just one Gremlin with enchanted powers, there were three, and they were all sisters. The other two sisters also formed colonies named Knish and Golly. But Yucca had the most population out of all. So when the news got to the Queen, she set out to find these Gremlins who had ran the colonies. Each of these enchanted Gremlins called themselves, "Witches". The Gremlins who had settled in these colonies did not know about the Witches, for if they did, they would have left immediately. But they didn't and that was that. After most of the Gremlins had settled in their positions, the three Witches revealed themselves to the settlers and did not allow them to leave. But the Gremlins didn't care, for they were happy with the resources and environment around them. This made the Witches mad, especially the Witch of Yucca. So she minimized the land of the Gremlins and made them pay a large sum of money for each acre. They made this money from starting agriculture on farms and selling it at markets. The Queen of all Gremlins continued searching for all of the Wicked Witches, and knew that when a witch was touched by water, she would melt, as in all the fairy tales. After all, they all have some truth in them. The Wonderful Witch of All The Great Land of Log was still searching when this giant and vile beast started attacking Yucca.
At this point in the story, you might be thinking Hey, why haven't any monsters or goblins come into the picture and squished the Opals or Hey, why haven't any people seen the Gremlins and why aren't they attacking them? Well, both of these questions will be answered throughout the next chapters your eyes will read. And one of them might be answered in the very one you are reading right now. So concentrate hard on the following words:
It is time for you to come in, and edit this story.
Step One: Finish this blog, and leave the state in which you live in for good faith.
Only finish this blog according to the way the average fairy tale goes.
Step Two: If your ending to this story is so good, it will be published on my site.


  1. So where can I find the end to this tale?

  2. Well, where can I do something or find something is always a confusing question...Like, where did my name come from? The answer is my mother's brain. Where can I find the end to this tale? Hmm....It is also somewhere deep deep down in your brain, Ms. Weiss...
    -Response from Storypedia
