I'm guessing you probably have read a story that later became a movie, right? Or visa versa? Well, I am probably right. If you have read my blog, you know about The Great Giant of Yucca, a story featured in my blog that has not been finished. Well you are certainly in for an ending in the movie, that is for sure. You'd be surprised how much more thrill....excitement.....and drama is in the movie than the story is. The movie is coming soon to Storypedia, so you better watch out.....you better not cry........and the movie will tell you exactly why. Wicked Witch #1...........Robbert Buckeye
Wicked Witch #2...........Pedros Yucca
Wicked Witch #3...........Yugobaba Kinishikoba
The Wonderful Witch of all the Great Land of Log:
Storypedia Anonymous (ME!)
Rated PG for Mild Violence
and some background provided by http://www.howtocheatinphotoshop.com/Forum/witches_big.jpg
I can't wait until the movie comes out. Although, I have always felt that the book is so much better than the movie...