Voice Thread is a fun program where you can make any video you would like with your own voice or someone else's voice. You can always edit videos, and delete them when you would like, and the coolest part is other people get to comment on videos by you with their own voices.Important Notice: You do not need an account to browse through a full collection of videos made by other users, but you do need an account to create your own videos or comment on other's. ACCOUNTS ARE FREE.
Just go to http://www.voicehtread.com and make an account today. You can then embed (import) your video into your blog or website, and share it with the world.
But wait, I am NOT finished. I've only told you the topic, the main ideas. Now I will go into the details...
1. There are five ways to comment, and will you are commenting, you can alter the image you are copying, and then in your video, use the altered image for a picture.
2. Like most other videos, you can delete your own, and you also can delete your own comments on another's video.
3. You can zoom in and out on a video, and you also can hold the picture in any direction.
4. You can listen to other user's comments on a video by simply clicking on their avatar or picture on the edges of the video.
These are only some of the things you can do Voice Thread, so go to the site now and make a video, or click "So what is a voice thread anyway" on the homepage.
Unfortunately, I am not yet a user and cannot embed for you viewers an actual voice thread in this post. Although I do not have this, I do have for you a wonderful survey of my friends from the Middle East and other areas of the world. I have not actually met them, but I write to them every Friday when I can, and they are my pen pals. One week ago, on Friday the 18th, I sent them a notice about Voice Thread, and a week later they have all sent me back what they have done with Voice Thread:
Utopian (YOU-Tope-E-An) Kinishikoba (KA-Neesh-A-Ko-Va) from Maryland, Saudi Arabia says (translated into proper English):
Omg! I love Voice Thread. My father would not let me buy a computer, so I had to walk seven

Karren Kombersmitchledoodles (Comb-er-Smith-frogging-doodles) from Woodland Hills, Japan said:
I made a Voice Thread about a child who received an education at Girard El

*Special Preview But there is not just Voice Thread when it comes to making cool presentations the one I made above. Animoto is a really awesome program that allows you to make really cool movies by simply uploading some pictures, music, and choosing some other background effects. Animoto does the rest...Let me tell you the full details in my upcoming post: Animoto
Copyright 2009 by Anonymous Storypedia, http://www.uc.edu/food/images/maki_sushi.jpg, http://blog.beliefnet.com/moviemom/kit%20kittredge.jpg, Edited on Big Huge Labs.
Where do all of your ideas come from? Your posts are so creative. I enjoy reading them - they are better than TV - and I love TV!