Saturday, September 26, 2009

A Chipmunk, A Phone, and a Radio: A Series That Questions Us All

Enjoy! This is my first minisode(1) in the Chipmunk, Phone, and Radio series or CPR for short. I have titled it The Dance Party and when you watch it, you'll see why. I have two more left!
By the way, there is no SYNTHASITE website! That was a long time ago and I do not want to talk about it.....Enjoy!

Enjoy! This is my second minisode(1) in the Chipmunk, Phone, and Radio saga or CPR for short. I have titled it A Christmas Special even though I celebrate Hanukkah, not Christmas, and when you watch you'll see why. I have only one more left! By the way, there is no YOLA or SYNTHASITE website. Like I said above, that was long ago....Enjoy!

Enjoy! This is my third and last minisode(1) in the Chipmunk, Phone, and Radio saga or CPR for short. I have titled it Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul and many teens know that there is a series titled this, and this series includes drama, excitement, and sorrow. This is sort of like a filtered version, and it uses Chipmunk, Radio, and Telephone! By the way, NO YOLA WEBSITE is involved! Do not try typing in the yola or synthasite website address, for a blank page will come up!

(1) Minisode....A Shorter Version of an Episode, from the Latin route mini
A Note to my Fellow Viewers: These videos were created on behalf of creativity and excellence on the web. In another words, when I was in my creative mood, I created these videos using simple software such as iMovie 3 and iTunes 7.
COMING SOON TO STORYPEDIA Abandoned and Blue-Ray and D-V-D

For Anonymous, the girl who now knows me as trash-pick-up kid.....


  1. If I understand correctly, you've made these on iMovie? I'm glad you gave credit for the images and music. That's important when posting borrowed media on your blog.

  2. BTW, did I tell you I really enjoyed the series - The Chipmunk, the telephone & the radio...
