Friday, October 2, 2009

The Power of Google Docs

Google Docs is a new online service in which you can do MANY things.
ONE of these things is to make a DOCUMENT, a SPREADSHEET, or even a PRESENTATION. It has all the features of Microsoft Word, except it's free!
NUMBER TWO. Other people can edit your document if you think it doesn't sound right. For example, if you are writing a love letter to your girlfriend, and you don't think it sounds right, you can invite your friends to edit the document. Or if you are writing a report for school with a partner, and somehow you need to communicate with each other. Usually when you and your friend are using the same computer, you fight to use it. One will say, "My turn," and the other will say, "Give me it back," and things just won't work out. But, the problem is, you cannot come over to each other's houses. Google Docs allows you and your partner to edit the report at the same time from different computers! All you need is an internet connection, and your set.
NUMBER THREE. Google Docs is compatible with any computer at all. If you make a project on your computer at home, and you need to print it out at school, you can bring a flash drive an upload it to the computer at school. But sometimes, the computer at school is not compatible with your document--and your screwed. Well, not exactly. If you uploaded your document to Google Docs, it is for sure compatible with any computer at all, as long as it has Internet.
NUMBER FOUR. Do you have PowerPoint? Where do you think you got it? You probably had to pay for it, didn't you? What about Microsoft Word? You had to pay for that, too, right? Or how about some other tool like these ones? Google Docs has the power of all of these. It is compatible with any system, any computer, as long as it has Internet. But don't you have to pay for something so wonderful? you ask. The answer is a simple NO. In fact, Registration is the easiest part: All you have to do is type in your current email address, choose a password, type in your location, and your set to go. No names, no credit card numbers, nothing. And your set to go for Google Docs.
MY Google Docs is a very funny story I made, but then a kid in my class named Travis edited it on a different computer. I looked at his changes, and edited those all over again.
Here is the link for my Google Doc:
Here is the link for the Google Docs homepage:
Have fun exploring Google Docs......

1 comment:

  1. Another great post. I think Google Docs ROCKS!!! and for all of the reasons you've blogged about.
