Whatever! It honestly isn't that brutal to make one, and here are the steps how to:
STEP 1: Go to the Animoto site.
STEP 2: Make an account (and I am legally advised to tell you to go online with a parent...).
STEP 3: Upload photos, whether they are already uploaded to your computer, or they are still waiting to be uploaded on the Internet.
STEP 4: You can also add text, a personal message, or other video clips by uploading them from your computer.
STEP 5: You may also want to add a soundtrack. Animoto has a "growing library" of free copyright tunes, or you can upload your own.
That's basically it. Animoto then morphs all of your photos and tunes together to create the coolest video of all time! You can then embed the video anywhere online--It's that easy! If you're not satisfied with your Animoto when it comes out (which I guarantee WILL NOT occur), you can send it through Animoto again and remix it! Just give it a five-minute try!
If you need more help, when you get to the Animoto website, you can click on the "Learn More in Sixty Seconds" button, and a really good one minute tour video will be come up to help you understand more....Now lets compare Animoto to Voice Thread:
As I told you before, in my "Voice (Needle and) Thread" Voice Thread is a cool online free program where you can create a presentation, using typed words, or your own actual recorded voice, with picture(s) that help explain them. My Voice Thread was about books, and can also be on a variety of other topics. Voice Threads tend to be longer than Animotos, for you can only upload so many pictures and video clips, meanwhile you can upload just one picture on Voice Thread, and alter the picture, too, while you go along and talk using that one picture for hours (or minutes.....). What I was trying to say in that long, long sentence, is that in Animoto, your time length depends on how many video clips and photos you put in, unlike Voice Thread where you can talk throughout the whole video for as long as you would like (hopefully not boring your viewers), using just one picture or more. You can use Voice Thread at home for personal use, like entertaining your friends or visitors, or for fun when you are bored, the same for Animoto. You can also publish it online to share with the world (also with Animoto, too). You can use both Animoto and Voice Thread for school to make presentations about a subject (such as a war in Social Science, and famous writers in Language Arts). There are many things to do with all of the online services I tell you about. And it is very good when important people see what you've shared with the world. Because when an important person sees something he likes that you've created, you're in luck.
Important Notice You do need an account to make a video. Accounts are free.
Also: What I have noticed, is while animoto is processing your "pre-video" into an actual animoto, it takes a long time. Meanwhile, Voice Thread takes no time because it does not morph into a video....